A Long Day at School

Aug 28, 2024, 10:01 PM

Today was one of those days where everything felt exhausting. From the moment I walked into school, I could tell it was going to be a long day. The day began with one class after another, including the start of our Knowledge Management class. Each class was full of new information. It was a bit challenging to keep up, especially since I wasn’t feeling well—I had a cough, fever, and cold. Even though I wasn’t feeling good, I knew I had to get through it. As the day went on, I felt inc ...
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Use Burp Suite on any browser/applications (Windows)

May 26, 2024, 05:26 AM

1. Open Burp Suite and Download the Certificate File • Launch Burp Suite and navigate to the "Proxy" tab. • In the "Intercept" sub-tab, click "Open Browser." • In the browser's URL bar, type "burp/" and press Enter. • Click the "CA Certificate" button in the top right corner to download the cacert.der file. • Open the downloaded file and click "Install Certificate." • Select "Local Machine" and click & ...
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My very first post

Apr 30, 2024, 05:26 AM

This is a test post.